Umbilical Vein Catheterization (UVC) Kit
This kit is a collection of products necessary for emergency umbilical vein catheterization. Expiration of sterile products vary, and certain items may need to be replaced 1-5 years. This kit comes in a zip-lock bag.
1 x Pick ups without teeth (Adson dressing forceps)-utility grade
1 x Disposable safety scalpel
2 x Sterile drapes - Fenestrated
3 x packets 4x4 gauze
1 x Sterile umbilical tie tape
2 x 1mL syringes (no needle)
1 x 3mL syringe (no needle)
1 x 3 way stop cock (sku. B4020)
1 x Red RAPIDfill Connector
1 x 10 mL sterile water in syringe
1 x 5FR Umbilical catheter ( or option - 5FR feeding tube )
2 x Chlorhexidine swabs without alcohol
2 x Large Tegaderm film dressings
1 Roll of 1 inch Transpore Tape